Diagnosis, support, lifestyle changes, digital apps, and medication information
Mayo clinic database on various diagnoses, information on treatment, medication, prognosis, and more
SAMHSA: Help Prevent Suicide, resources to help with suicidal thoughts in you or a friend
Reimbursify, a third party service that can help people get reimbursed for their out of network visits, though they do charge a small fee for each visit processed
GoodRx, provides no cost pharmacy discount coupons—often times dramatically lower—when purchasing medications outside of insurance
CBT-i coach, free mobile app developed by the VA which offers evidence based CBT for insomnia, available for android and iOS
Ketamine treatments
KRIYA, ketamine research institute and host of annual conference for providers
Wikipedia article on ketamine, lots of easy to access information on ketamine
Ketamine and depression: a review, scholarly work discussing the nuances of ketamine for this indication
The Ketamine Papers, 2016 book published by MAPS which discusses the science, phenomenology, use, and history behind ketamine, useful for both patients and clinicians. Contains an updated review of ketamine for depression, by Dr. Ryan and colleagues
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step support group for individuals with alcohol use disorder, including links to the excellent android and iOS apps
Narcotics Anonymous, 12 step support group for individuals who use other substances
Al-Anon, 12 step support group for family members of those with addiction
SMART Recovery, Self-Management and Recovery Training, a non-religious version of alcoholics anonymous
Clare | Matrix, a network of clinics in Los Angeles that provide intensive outpatient programs as well as methadone maintenance
Prescribe To Prevent, naloxone (Narcan) rescue kit prescribing information, targeted towards healthcare professionals
Learn About Treatment, website developed by the Univ. of Washington with resources for patients and providers regarding options for treating opioid use disorder, including medication assisted treatment (MAT), overdose education, naloxone reversal, and resources for getting help
Local / Community Organizations
Common Ground, provides needle exchange services, testing (HIV, STI, Hep C), medication assisted therapy for opioid use disorder (Buprenorphine), in Venice, CA; accepts those with Medi-Cal insurance and also those without any insurance
Venice Family Clinic, community clinic with multiple locations across the westside of Los Angeles, including Venice, CA; accepts those with Medi-Cal insurance and also those without any insurance
St. Joseph Center, agency that provides medical and mental health care, as well as housing and food support, to homeless individuals in Venice
The People Concern, provides mental health care and operates multiple homeless shelters in the area. Formerly known as Ocean Park Community Center.
Westside Urgent Care Center (UCC), a 24 hour psychiatric crisis center open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, operated by Exodus Recovery, Inc and contracted by Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health
Harm Reduction
Erowid, Bluelight, and PsychonautWiki, peer sourced information aimed at harm reduction (i.e. accepting that some individuals will choose to use substances despite their risks, and offering ways to use them safer)
Zendo Project, providing psychedelic harm reduction at festivals such as Burning Man, Lightning in a Bottle, Envision, and others
DanceSafe, provides harm reduction and drug testing services within the electronic music community
The Manual of Psychedelic Support, a collaborative and open source document that describes the implementation and methodology for psychedelic harm reduction services
Nest Harm Reduction, providing training, education, consulting, and psychotherapy
Research / Advocacy Organizations
Hefter Research Institute, funding research into clinical applications of psilocybin (active component of Psilocybe mushrooms) for addiction, depression, and more
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, funding research into clinical applications of psychedelic agents, such as MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, and ibogaine for opiate use disorder
The Beckley Foundation, a UK based think tank focusing on drug policy reform and research into psychoactive substances
Drug Policy Alliance, an organization aiming to reform domestic drug laws consistent with science, compassion, health, and human rights
Aware Project, a Southern California based organization that hosts bi-monthly lectures on psychedelics, as well as other events
Usona Institute, a WI based medical research organization, focusing on treatment resistant depression and anxiety, such as psilocybin
ProjectCBD, non-profit educational service discussing therapeutic applications of cannabis/cannabinoids, and particularly of CBD, website featuring a directory of providers and discussion regarding psychedelic drugs and medications, including an article talking about clinical trials and the FDA approval process (linked here)
Perception Restoration Foundation, non-profit focusing on HPPD, hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, including a great information guide for those with this issue
Shine Collective, provides services and support to survivors of psychedelic harm
Professional Organizations
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), independent body that accredits Psychiatrists and Addiction Psychiatrists
California Medical Board license verification, state run body that licenses physicians, providing records of any disciplinary actions and more
Research / Writing
Sci-Hub, crowd-sourced access to scientific manuscripts
PubMed, federally run online searchable index of published biomedical literature (including much on ketamine and psychedelics), a curated list of references for physicians, scientists, and the curious